The Aether Wiki: Genesis of the Void

The Books of Lore are 3 books That are made by pressing B in The nether The aether, Or the overworld.There are 3 volumes each describing one of the 3 worlds - Overworld (Vol.1), Nether (Vol.2) or Aether.(Vol.3) Upon "reading" the books (By right-clicking with the book in hand) players will view an open book stating the volume and the world the volume is effective with. Underneath the title will be a slot where players can place any item indigenous to the world the volume is effective with. Once placed in the slot, the book will display information about the item. Ironically, it will even give information about itself if placed in the slot though it wont give information for any of the other books.


The book interface, here with Volume 1, the Surface.
