The Aether Wiki: Genesis of the Void
Display Slabs

Grid layout None (small)
Grid Aerogel Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Carved Stone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Divine Carved Stone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Divine Sentry Stone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Holystone Brick Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Holystone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Icestone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Mossy Holystone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Sentry Stone Slabs
Grid layout None (small)
Grid Skyroot Slabs
Type Solid Block
Physics No
Transparency Double slab:
Single slab: Partial (blocks light)
Luminance No
Tool AxePickaxe
Renewable Yes (only for Skyroot)
Stackable Yes (64)
Flammable Yes (only for Skyroot)
Drops Itself
Data value See Data values
ID Name See Data values

Slabs are half-versions of their respective blocks, and are made out of various materials found in the Aether.


Slabs can be mined using any kind of pickaxe (or axe for wooden ones) and will drop themselves. If mined without a pickaxe or axe, nothing will be dropped and the slab will be destroyed.


Slabs are blocks that allow players and mobs to change elevation without jumping, but are less intuitive than Stairs.


All Slabs except Divine Sentry Stone and Divine Carved Stone are craftable.

Crafting GUI

Grid Skyroot Plank

Grid Skyroot Plank

Grid Skyroot Plank

Grid Skyroot Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Holystone

Grid Holystone

Grid Holystone

Grid Holystone Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Mossy Holystone

Grid Mossy Holystone

Grid Mossy Holystone

Grid Mossy Holystone Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Icestone

Grid Icestone

Grid Icestone

Grid Icestone Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Holystone Brick

Grid Holystone Brick

Grid Holystone Brick

Grid Holystone Brick Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Carved Stone

Grid Carved Stone

Grid Carved Stone

Grid Carved Stone Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Sentry Stone

Grid Sentry Stone

Grid Sentry Stone

Grid Sentry Stone Slabs


Crafting GUI

Grid Aerogel

Grid Aerogel

Grid Aerogel

Grid Aerogel Slabs



Crafting GUI

Grid Labyrinth Capstone

Grid Labyrinth Capstone

Grid Labyrinth Capstone

Grid Labyrinth Capstone Slab


Crafting GUI

Grid Labyrinth Wall

Grid Labyrinth Wall

Grid Labyrinth Wall

Grid Labyrinth Wall Slab



  • Angelic and Hellfire Stone Slabs are removed in the current version of Aether II.
  • Divine Sentry Stone Slab is the only divine type slab that can be obtained by mining in the Aether II mod.

Data values[]

Slabs' data values are:

Name ID name DV
SkyrootSingleSlab Skyroot Slab aether:skyrootSingleSlab 424 (dec), 1A8 (hex), 110101000 (bin)
HolystoneSingleSlab Holystone Slab aether:holystoneSingleSlab 426 (dec), 1AA (hex), 110101010 (bin)
MossyHolystoneSingleSlab Mossy Holystone Slab aether:mossyHolystoneSingleSlab 428 (dec), 1AC (hex), 110101100 (bin)
IcestoneSingleSlab Icestone Slab aether:icestoneSingleSlab 430 (dec), 1AE (hex), 110101110 (bin)
HolystoneBrickSingleSlab Holystone Brick Slab aether:holystoneBrickSingleSlab 432 (dec), 1B0 (hex), 110110000 (bin)
CarvedStoneSingleSlab Carved Stone Slab aether:carvedStoneSingleSlab 434 (dec), 1B2 (hex), 110110010 (bin)
SentryStoneSingleSlab Sentry Stone Slab aether:sentryStoneSingleSlab 436 (dec), 1B4 (hex), 110110100 (bin)
DivineCarvedStoneSingleSlab Divine Carved Stone Slab aether:divineCarvedStoneSingleSlab 438 (dec), 1B6 (hex), 110110110 (bin)
DivineSentryStoneSingleSlab Divine Sentry Stone Slab aether:divineSentryStoneSingleSlab 440 (dec), 1B8 (hex), 110111000 (bin)
AerogelSingleSlab Aerogel Slab aether:aerogelSingleSlab 442 (dec), 1BA (hex), 110111010 (bin)
SkyrootPlank Skyroot Slab aether:skyrootDoubleSlab 425 (dec), 1A9 (hex), 110101001 (bin)
Holystone Holystone Slab aether:holystoneDoubleSlab 427 (dec), 1AB (hex), 110101011 (bin)
Mossy Holystone Mossy Holystone Slab aether:mossyHolystoneDoubleSlab 429 (dec), 1AD (hex), 110101101 (bin)
Icestone Icestone Slab aether:icestoneDoubleSlab 431 (dec), 1AF (hex), 110101111 (bin)
HolystoneBrick Holystone Brick Slab aether:holystoneBrickDoubleSlab 433 (dec), 1B1 (hex), 110110001 (bin)
CarvedStone Carved Stone Slab aether:carvedStoneDoubleSlab 435 (dec), 1B3 (hex), 110110011 (bin)
SentryStone Sentry Stone Slab aether:sentryStoneDoubleSlab 437 (dec), 1B5 (hex), 110110101 (bin)
DivineCarvedStone Divine Carved Stone Slab aether:divineCarvedStoneDoubleSlab 439 (dec), 1B7 (hex), 110110111 (bin)
DivineSentryStone Divine Sentry Stone Slab aether:divineSentryStoneDoubleSlab 441 (dec), 1B9 (hex), 110111001 (bin)
Aerogel Aerogel Slab aether:aerogelDoubleSlab 443 (dec), 1BB (hex), 110111011 (bin)


Issues relating to Slab blocks are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues for Slab block there.


The Aether II[]

  • Initial release: Introduced
  • Aerogel Slab, Divine Carved Stone Slab, Divine Sentry Stone Slab, Icestone Slab, Sentry Stone Slab, Holystone Brick Slab, Holystone Slab, Mossy Holystone Slab, and Skyroot Slab blocks added.


  • 1.10b1:
    • ID-names changed and the numerical ids are now 4172-4181
    • Labyrinth Capstone and Labyrinth Wall slabs now craftable


See Also[]
