The Aether Wiki: Genesis of the Void

This is for Windows XP Only.

Backup your saves!! How to Install The Aether Mod.

1.Find the Minecraft Folder.

2.Install Modloader, AudioMod, and ShockAhPi.

3.Install the Aether.


Step 1. Click Start at the bottom left of your screen. Then click on run and type:"%appdata%"(without the quotations.) Then open the .minecraft file. If this worked go to step 2. If not keep on reading step 1.Okay, to start open your control panel and click classic view.(if not already on it.) Hit folder options and click "View" in the top right corner, the middle tab. Go down to hidden files and folders and hit "Show hidden files and folders" and close the control panel and open up "My Computer". Go to your Hard drive mine is Local disc, and click it and go to documents and settings. Click your computer's name.(Say your administrator's name is Bob so it should say "Bob" on one of the folders.) Go to "Application Data", and the first one should be ".minecraft" without the quotations.

Step 2: Install Modloader AudioMod, And ShockahPi. First go to the download page and download them , if you can't find it, Go to Google and type "Minecraft Modloader"(or Modloader, AudioMod, or ShockAhPi.) and the first one should go to the Minecraft forum page. Follow the instructions to install them correctly.(DON"T FORGET THE META-INF FILE!)(DO NOT TAKE THE .minecraft OUT OF APPLICATION DATA IT WILL NOT WORK IF YOU DO!) I did that the first time and I could not install any mods or figure what I did wrong...

Step 3. Okay Download the Aether files and open up your Minecraft.Jar. Open up the Aether file and copy ALL of the files inside the "Jar" Folder. and copy the "Resources" file into the .minecraft. it's fine if it has to overwrite the files.

Step 4. Enjoy the Mod.
